Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Parent-teacher meeting

Yesterday we went to see Akid's class teacher to briefly discuss about his school progress. Alhamdulillah, according to his teacher, he has improved a lot from the level achieved in the last term. She showed us the term 2 progress report which Akid managed to achieve mostly above the current standard expected level except for a couple of subjects, Writing, Islamic studies and French. I've expected he'll be struggling with French as he's new to the subject. However, it shouldn't be a reason really and he needs to put extra effort to catch up.

Based on the report, he's doing great in Reading (comprehension), in fact high above the year 5 level.  So for Writing, it was not that bad. I think he needs to be more careful with tenses and the choice of words. Hubby and I browsed through his essays (Topics given: Submarine; and Bullying) and we were impressed with it if we were to put ourselves in his shoes. He got brilliant ideas on the topics and all he needs to do is to polish his writing skill. English is the first language here and their expectation level is higher than it is back home.

Well, I'm not merely concerned of how many As he achieved (even he scored 9As out of 12 subjects) but more on his understanding of the lessons taught, his progress, his attitude, his interaction, his participation and effort in class. I felt relief when the teacher explained of how he behaved in class so far, he was good in explaining the science processes to class, bla bla rather than only telling us he scored an A in Science. All in all, alhamdulillah, we are pleased with his progress and positive remarks from the teacher. Really appreciate her input and recommendations for Akid to improve further :)

One thing when dealing with a boy (maybe it's on the other hand, a different experience for other parents), it's quite a challenge to ensure his consistencies in doing his school works without regular reminders. (@nagging to his ears) Penat! Reason being - Distractions!! He always have other "interesting" things to 'play' (yes play is the exact word). Not to say I expect him to study all the time but I really hope he'll be responsible enough, have the courage and focus to improve his studies without others telling him to do so. Mintaklah budak ni sedar, Insyallah. Long way to go, Akid...

I believe it's best to inculcate the correct mindset and attitude in the children to value the importance of education, to love knowledge and putting more effort in their studies. (apart of his computer games, psp, movies and all) Nevertheless, I also believe there should be a balance in life. Not to forget the afterlife. Insyallah.

There is a hadith on the importance of knowledge (ilmu):

Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud:”Sesiapa yang berkehendakkan dunia maka hendaklah ia berilmu, sesiapa yang berkehendakkan akhirat maka hendaklah ia berilmu dan sesiapa yang berkehendakkan kedua-duanya maka hendaklah ia berilmu.” - Riwayat at-Tirmidzi

* I was sitting facing this blackboard with colourful masks designed by Akid's class while waiting for our turn to see the teacher.

*This is the last week before a week school break. Akid and his classmate call it a "golden" week as there are loads of fun activities in the class such as drawing, painting, acting, etc. 

*During school break, i.e. this Friday insyallah we'll driving up to Saudi for umrah.