Tuesday 14 August 2012

Happy Summer Hols

Salam Ramadhan to all. Hope it's not too late to wish even we are approaching towards the end of this barakah month... hmm sigh, time flies. May Allah pardons our sin and grants us with HIS countless blessing, ameen.

Alhamdulillah, Akid & I have the opportunity to go back to Malaysia during the fasting month and insyallah will be celebrating Eid, here. Hubby will join us for Eid, later.

To all, Selamat Hari Raya & Maaf Zahir Batin.


Di bawah ni, gambar2 sekitar Jun & Julai 2012 - cuti musim panas di tanahair.

Budak yang happy nak bercuti panjang, balik kampung...
We flew back to Malaysia via Oman Air & transit for a while at Muscat airport.

However, most of the school children in Doha had to go through the final Exam before going for a long summer break. Alhamdulillah, Akid had made an impressive progress in his class and received the Most Outstanding Progress award from the school.
Bravo dear and keep it up :)

Antara yang dirindui tentang Malaysia adalah keindahan dan kehijauan alamnya, pulau, pantai, jeram dengan deru air terjun, kicau unggas dan pemandangan bukit bukau yang sejuk mata memandang. Subhanallah. 

Akid bersama adik2 sepupu di Air Terjun Sungai Gabai, dekat saja dengan KL / Kajang. Sangat convenient untuk beriadah dan beristirehat bersama keluarga di hujung minggu. Kitaorang pergi untuk bersarapan pagi di sana, sekali sekala tukar angin :)

Air jeram yang sejuk!!