Thursday, 28 June 2007

His first visit to dentist

This evening, Akid lost his 2-teeth to the hand of a lady dentist. We noticed his new teeth started to grow and decided to let go the baby teeth to make way for the new ones. After the procedure, he had the cotton between his teeth which indirectly prevented him from pot-pet and to munch something... That was good in a way.... hmm but just for a while until the blood dried and the cotton removed. I thought he couldn't chew his food but right after that, Akid had a normal meal for dinner... Well, he surely had something to talk about and to show to his friends tomorrow....

Monday, 18 June 2007

Happy Birthday to Abah

12th June: AbaH, hAPpy bIRthDaY.... May Allah's blessing, His Love and Guidance will always be with you...

I attended COP course at Shangrila, Putrajaya from 10th-12th and luckily it was a half day program on the 12th. So I managed to get a bday cake from a nearby secret recipe on the way home. Akid had a fever on that day and didn't go to kindy. Despite of that, he was looking forward to celebrate abah's bday. We made a simple bday card, hang some balloons and threw a surprise birthday dinner for abah :))

Wednesday, 6 June 2007

We were at PD

29-31 May: Dept. away day at Avillion Port Dickson. I was stuck in the department business planning meeting. Can't comment much about it but like one of the colleagues sms to me, Journey map, blueprint, scorecard, iPOCs, etc. are all mantra to doss... hahaha. However, Akid certainly had a great time there...

At room balcony

Do u think u can swim?

Playing with his kite

Pet feeding session


Alahai sempat lagi posing sebelum balik....